Product Categories Of Industrial Paint


1、 Solvent based acrylic paint

Solvent based acrylic paint has excellent weather resistance and high mechanical properties, making it a rapidly developing type of coating. Solvent based acrylic paint can be divided into self drying acrylic paint (thermoplastic type) and cross-linked curing acrylic paint (thermosetting type). The former belongs to non conversion coatings, while the latter belongs to conversion coatings. Self drying acrylic coatings are mainly used in building coatings, plastic coatings, electronic coatings, road marking coatings, etc. They have the advantages of rapid surface drying, easy construction, obvious protective and decorative effects.

The disadvantage is that the solid content is not easily too high, and it is not easy to balance hardness and elasticity. A thick coating cannot be obtained in one application, and the film fullness is not ideal. Cross linked curing acrylic coatings mainly include acrylic amino paint, acrylic polyurethane paint, acrylic alkyd paint, radiation curing acrylic paint and other varieties. Widely used in automotive coatings, electrical coatings, wood coatings, building coatings, and other fields. Cross linked curing acrylic coatings generally have high solid content, and can obtain a thick coating film in one application. Moreover, they have excellent mechanical properties and can be made into coatings with high weather resistance, high fullness, high elasticity, and high hardness. The disadvantage is that two-component coatings are difficult to apply, and many varieties require heating or radiation curing, which requires high environmental conditions. Generally, good equipment and proficient painting skills are required.



2、 Polyurethane paint

Polyurethane coatings are a common type of coating, which can be divided into two-component polyurethane coatings and single component polyurethane coatings. Two component polyurethane coatings are generally composed of isocyanate prepolymers (also known as low molecular weight amino ester polymers) and hydroxyl containing resins, commonly referred to as curing agent components and main agent components. This type of coating has many varieties and a wide range of applications.

According to the different hydroxyl components, it can be divided into acrylic polyurethane, alkyd polyurethane, polyester polyurethane, polyether polyurethane, epoxy polyurethane and other varieties. Generally, it has good mechanical properties, high solid content, and good performance in all aspects. It is a type of coating with great development prospects. The main application directions include wood coatings, automotive repair coatings, anti-corrosion coatings, floor coatings, electronic coatings, special coatings, etc. The disadvantage is that the construction process is complex and requires a high construction environment, and the paint film is prone to defects. Single component polyurethane coatings mainly include polyurethane oil coatings, moisture cured polyurethane coatings, closed polyurethane coatings, and other varieties. The application range is not as wide as two-component coatings, mainly used for floor coatings, anti-corrosion coatings, pre roll coatings, etc. Its overall performance is not as comprehensive as two-component coatings.


3、 Nitrocellulose paint

Nitrocellulose paint is a common coating for wood and decoration. The advantages are good decorative effect, easy construction, quick drying, low requirements for the painting environment, good hardness and brightness, less prone to paint film defects, and easy repair. The disadvantage is that the solid content is low, requiring more construction passes to achieve better results; The durability is not very good, especially when using nitrocellulose paint internally, its light and color retention are not good. If used for a long time, it is easy to have problems such as loss of light, cracking, and discoloration; The protective effect of the paint film is not good, it is not resistant to organic solvents, heat, and corrosion.

The main film-forming material of nitrocellulose paint is mainly nitrocellulose, combined with soft and hard resins such as alkyd resin, modified rosin resin, acrylic resin, amino resin, etc. Generally, plasticizers such as dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, and oxidized castor oil need to be added. Solvents mainly include true solvents such as esters, ketones, alcohol ethers, co solvents such as alcohols, and diluents such as benzene. Nitro paint is mainly used for the painting of wood and furniture, home decoration, general decoration painting, metal painting, general cement painting, and other aspects.


4、 Epoxy paint

Epoxy paint is a rapidly developing type of industrial coating. Generally speaking, coatings containing a large number of epoxy groups in their composition are collectively referred to as epoxy paint. The main variety of epoxy paint is two-component coating, composed of epoxy resin and curing agent. There are also some single component self drying varieties, but their performance is somewhat inferior to that of two-component coatings. The main advantage of epoxy paint is its strong adhesion to inorganic materials such as cement and metals; The coating itself is highly corrosion-resistant; Excellent mechanical performance, wear resistance, and impact resistance; Can be made into solvent-free or high solid coatings; Resistant to organic solvents, heat, and water; The coating is non-toxic.

The disadvantage is poor weather resistance, and prolonged exposure to sunlight may cause powdering, so it can only be used for primer or interior paint; Poor decorative quality, difficult to maintain gloss; High requirements for the construction environment, slow solidification of the coating at low temperatures, and poor effectiveness; Many varieties require high-temperature curing, and the investment in painting equipment is relatively large. Epoxy resin coatings are mainly used for floor coating, automotive primer, metal anti-corrosion, chemical anti-corrosion, and other aspects.


5、 Amino paint

Amino paint mainly consists of two parts. The first is the amino resin component, which mainly includes resins such as butyl ether melamine formaldehyde resin, methyl ether melamine formaldehyde resin, and butyl ether urea formaldehyde resin. The second part is the hydroxyl resin part, mainly including medium to short oil content alkyd resin, hydroxyacrylic resin, epoxy resin, and other resins.

Except for urea formaldehyde resin paint (commonly known as acid cured paint) used in wood coatings, the main varieties of amino paint require heating and curing. Generally, the curing temperature is above 100 ℃ and the curing time is above 20 minutes. The cured paint film has excellent performance. The paint film is hard, full, bright, durable, and has good decorative and protective effects. The disadvantage is that the requirements for painting equipment are high, energy consumption is high, and it is not suitable for small-scale production. Amino paint is mainly used for automotive topcoats, furniture coatings, household appliance coatings, various metal surface coatings, instruments and industrial equipment coatings.


6、 Alkyd paint

Alkyd paint is mainly composed of alkyd resins. It is currently the largest category of coatings in domestic production. It has advantages such as low price, simple construction, low requirements for construction environment, full and hard coating, good durability and weather resistance, good decoration and protection. The disadvantages are slow drying and difficulty in achieving high requirements for coating, making it unsuitable for high decorative occasions. Alkyd paint is mainly used for the coating of general woodwork, furniture, and home decoration, general metal decoration coating, metal anti-corrosion coating with low requirements, general agricultural machinery, automobiles, instruments and meters, industrial equipment coating, and other aspects.


7、 Unsaturated polyester paint

Unsaturated polyester paint is also a rapidly developing type of coating, which is divided into two categories: air drying unsaturated polyester and radiation curing (UV curing) unsaturated polyester. The main advantage is that it can be made into solvent-free coatings, and a thicker paint film can be obtained with one brush. The temperature requirement for painting is not high, and the paint film has a decorative effect.

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